Hollandsch Meisje

Today, June 29th, I turn 40. I don’t feel forty but then again I’ve never been forty before. I thought this was an excellent opportunity to do a little relaunch of my website. I plan to blog more often again and am trying to get into posting longer content on youtube this year.

The past few years have been a bit sh*t health wise and I had a little bit of a social media burnout as a side effect. Fortunately the past few weeks I’ve gradually become more excited to create and share again. So here’s to many more fun, silly and positive postings!

Have a look at the where to shop page that I’ve set up and am still adding to. It’s been the most requested information for a while! Up next on my to do list is Hair Care and products I use.

If you have suggestions for blogs, posts or tutorials please feel free to let me know! I’m off to have cake now, bye! xx