Hollandsch Meisje

My hair care routine basics

A subject I get lots of questions about, so I decided to make it a blog to refer to instead of typing all of this up every time someone asks. I’ve divided it up into general care and some things I do while rolling and styling my hair. Might as well be thorough!

I have thin or fine hair but lots of it andI have a dry scalp that is prone to irritation. These are the things that work for me!

Hair care do’s: My preferred methods, by no means the only way to do things.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar rinses I use a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water and rinse my hair before shampoo. It is very effective in removing build up, prevents itchy scalps and best of all makes your hair soft and shiny. Promise you wont smell like vinegar after, just leave it in for a few minutes.
  • Wash your scalp and condition your ends only Its not your hair that’s dirty, its your scalp and roots. And conditioning the ends only prevents greasy hair. Make sure you massage your products in gently.
  • Brush from the ends up Brush in sections towards your roots instead of starting at the roots and pulling hair out because of tangles. Try not to brush your hair when it is wet, this also prevents breakage.
  • Regularly clean your brushes and combs Like with anything you put on your body there is a risk of bacteria and with all the things I put in my hair its just the smart thing to do. I give my brushes a bath in lukewarm water and dish soap every week.

Hair care don’ts: Honestly, do whatever you like. I can only tell you what I don’t do (anymore) and has improved the condition of my hair!

  • No bleaching or dyeing A personal choice I made after my 3rd involuntary buzzcut.
  • No (or at least minimise) heat styling This includes blow drying!
  • Don’t wash your hair everyday I usually wash my hair every 3 to 4 days, but it is up to you what suits you best. Yes there will be an oily transition period, sorry!
  • Don’t rub your hair dry with a towel An easy adjustment that prevents tangles, breaks and flyaways. Use a microfiber hair towel! Gently squeeze excess water from your hair and wrap the towel around your hair to dry. Once the towel absorbed most of the moisture take it off and airdry fully.

Setting, brushout and styling: Working your hair a lot means being careful in general. Take your time while setting your hair. You will get faster with time.

  • Damp not wet hair I prefer to spray setting lotion on dry hair to dampen it slightly and then brush each lock through before rolling. This prevent you pulling and tugging your hair too much. Keeping your hair and scalp wet for long periods of time can also cause some problems like hair mold.
  • Comb/brush in sections Especially if you have a lot of hair, thick hair, long hair, curly hair. Comb each section before rolling to avoid pulling and breaking hair during setting. No need to brush more than you need to!
  •  Use products a that suit your hair Your hair is generally happiest with less.  Minimise the number of products and how much of each you use. This also means less washing and less build up. I’ll tell you all about my favourite products and why in a future post.
  • Wash your rollers Just like your brushes, your rollers accumulate product and bacteria. I clean mine in a delicates bag in the washing machine. Added bonus is that most rollers will bounce back into shape. If you use the sponge rollers with the plastic brackets just take those out before and rinse in a bath of lukewarm water and dish soap.